Join the Green Classroom Challenge!

1: Choose a Checklist to review with your students and see what actions your classroom already takes.

2: Work with your students to decide on New Actions your classroom can take.

3: Fill out the form linked below to indicate which actions you already practice, and then select 5 New Actions to commit to!


4: At year-end, teachers will be asked to complete a reflection form to help us track collective impacts. Classrooms may be contacted for spotlight articles to highlight unique innovations and celebrate our progress toward greening our community. 

~ There will be a Green Classroom recognition event on April 20th, 2024 at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center ~

After committing to your actions using the form above, you will receive a confirmation email and then a County Office of Education staff member, Youth for Environmental Action high school leader or Intern will review your submission. 

You will receive a certificate to hang proudly in your classroom. The visual reminder will support your commitment and hopefully spark conversations with others about how to be a Green Classroom. Later, you may be contacted to be featured on the Green Classroom Challenge website and student leadership social media.